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Center for Competitive Workforce labor market report on the manufacturing industries in the Los Angeles region

April, 2020

Latest labor market report informs community college faculty and students in a fast-changing economy

In a continuing effort to assist faculty as they align programs with industry, as well as to guide students and jobseekers to living wage employment and careers in the region, Center for a Competitive Workforce (CCW) has posted a new report identifying occupations with growth potential in the manufacturing sector.  While this report is not officially launched to the public, it is available now for faculty review, to inform planning and decisions about programs.

The report can be accessed here: https://CompetitiveWorkforce.LA/manufacturing

A webinar will be hosted on April 21st from 2:00-3:00 p.m. 

To register, please email Claire Anderson at LAEDC:

The report includes 5-year data on the number of job openings, the supply of talent from the region’s community college system, average forecasted wage levels, an assessment of each occupation’s automation risk, a crosswalk of inter-occupation transferable skills, and much more.  Each of the profiled ‘middle-skill’ occupations is accessible with more than a high school diploma but less than a bachelor’s degree, pay above a living wage and will provide opportunities for gainful employment for many thousands of Angelinos over the next half-decade.

The analysis is useful to college faculty as they develop new or revise existing career education programs, curricula and stackable certificates that are industry-driven and adaptive to the speed of labor market changes within LA’s knowledge-based economy. In addition, the reports’ analyses are useful to local employers who must identify reliable sources of talent to fill their employee ranks, as well for job-seekers, incumbent workers, students and those unemployed people who want to know which occupations offer entry and where to find the requisite technical skills to advance their career prospects.

To register, or ask questions, please email Claire Anderson at LAEDC:

About the CCW     www.CompetitiveWorkforce.LA

Center for a Competitive Workforce (CCW) was established in 2017 as a Strong Workforce Program regional project, a collaboration among the 19 Los Angeles County community colleges of the LA/OC Regional Consortium, the Los Angeles/Orange County Center of Excellence for Labor Market Research and the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corp (LAEDC). The CCW’s mission is to produce regional economic intelligence reports to better align labor market supply and demand, support industry-driven career education and workforce development programs, and strengthen industry engagement across the L.A. Basin. This supports a well-informed regional workforce development system positioned to train, educate and upskill residents with the knowledge and skills to be competitive for 21st century jobs and careers in the knowledge-intensive industries that drive the regional economy now and in the future.

Media relations contact:  Lawren Markle at LAEDC, 213-236-4847,

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