CCW hosted the Bioscience Workforce Development Council Meeting on May 15th , 2020
Presenters included: Jessica Ku Kim, LAEDC (Welcome & Introductions), Richard Verches, CCW (Center for a Competitive Workforce Overview); Karmin Noar, Biocom (Bioscience HR Trends); Allan Glass, HATCHlabs (HATCHlabs Overview); Garrett Asanuma, Thermo Fisher Scientific (Thermo Fisher Scientific); Joel Espejo, PolyPeptide Laboratories (PolyPeptide Laboratories); Terri Quenzer, Statewide Director & Life Sciences/Biotech Initiative, California Community Colleges (Community Colleges Biotech Program Overview); and a FusionLA Website Demo by Jessica Ku Kim, LAEDC.
For questions, please contact Isabel Duran,
Updates can also be found in the CCW Workforce and Education Partner Portal on this website (see left menu).

Terri Quenzer