Overview of CCW Regional Project 2016-2021
CCW is focused on institutionalizing the regular engagement of and partnerships between our 19 community colleges in the L.A. region and employers from high-growth industry sectors with projected growth of middle skill jobs. It is through these productive partnerships and real-time “feedback loops” that colleges can adaptively attune their programs, courses and curricula to the workforce needs in a way that this truly responsive, demand-driven and future-forward, while also providing students with the very important real-world experiences that come from work-based learning opportunities, such as internships, and that prepare them for living-wage and sustainable employment and careers.
CCW has several work streams:
- Labor Market Analysis
- Industry Councils
- Regional Program Advisory Meetings
- Work-Based Learning Partnerships
- Company Visits and Career Videos
- Workforce and Education Partners Portal
- Bioscience Industry Portal
LARC Advisory Council
The LARC Advisory Council meets monthly and is led by LA-19 Community College CTE and Workforce and Economic Development, Deans, Associate Deans, and Strong Workforce Program Managers who oversee and direct the strategic planning, college and external partnerships, project outcomes and fiscal management for regional Strong Workforce Programs.

Jessica Ku Kim
Vice President of Economic and Workforce Development
Los Angels County Economic Development Corp (LAEDC)

Jermaine Hampton
Director of Workforce Development
Los Angeles County Economic Development Corp (LAEDC)

Jose Pelayo
Program Manager, Workforce Development
Los Angeles County Economic Development Corp (LAEDC)
CCW reports are authored by a multi-organizational team of economists with deep research and analysis experience in regional labor markets and industries. The team is comprised of economists from both the Center of Excellence for Labor Market Research (CEO), and LAEDC’s Institute for Applied Economics. LAEDC and CEO produce the reports for the LA-19 (LARC) colleges.
Partner Organizations
The 19 Community Colleges in the LA County region, who together serve half a million students each year: Cerritos College, Citrus College, Compton College, East Los Angeles College, El Camino College, Glendale Community College, Long Beach City College, Los Angeles City College, Los Angeles Harbor College, Los Angeles Mission College, Los Angeles Pierce College, Los Angeles Southwest College, Los Angeles Trade-Technology College, Los Angeles Valley College, Mt. San Antonio College, Pasadena City College, Rio Hondo College, Santa Monica College, West Los Angeles College, and including leadership from Los Angeles Community College District.
As grant-funded technical assistance providers, the seven Centers of Excellence for Labor Market Research across the state, located strategically within the California Community College system to study the regional economies of California, support the community colleges by providing customized data on high growth, emerging, and economically-critical industries and occupations and their related workforce needs.
The Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC) was founded in 1981 as a nonprofit, public-benefit organization to harness the power of private sector in collaboration with L.A. County, to guide economic development and create more widely shared prosperity. LAEDC collaborates with all stakeholders in the region including education, business, and government.
CCW is also a strong partner with the region’s seven Workforce Development Boards. The Workforce Development Boards assist in providing continuous improvement to California’s workforce development system. The Local Boards work together with the state and local Chief Elected Officials to oversee the delivery of workforce services relevant to their residents and businesses.